So what do most Admins want? Based on polls, the top requests are money and paid time off. However, selecting a personalized, custom gift would be such a heartwarming touch and a great way to show them you took the time and effort. With Admin Day not for a few weeks, searching for the perfect personalized gift and even personalized gift basket is easy!
So the big question is – Have you thought about what you’re going to do for your administrative professional this April 26th? We’ve compiled data from the experts to help inspire ideas for this Administrative Professionals Day. You’re sure to find a the best gift idea:

Go out for a group lunch where team members can take the opportunity to say something nice about the administrative professional. Treat your administrative professional to lunch at some point throughout this week. If you don’t know your office administrative professional well, this is the perfect opportunity to find out more about them!
If you know what they like to drink, buy a bottle of their drink of choice. Wine? Beer? Or maybe a nice liqueur. With a heartwarming personalized note attached, you’ll score big brownie points.
Chocolates! Really, who doesn’t love chocolate? This of course works best if you know they are not on a special diet. Do your homework before you buy.
The best gift basket that you can buy for your admin is one that incorporates some of their favorite goodies. Are they a big time snacker? Health Nut? Do they enjoy cooking? There are so many choices with custom gift baskets; you can’t go wrong.