What are Some of the Best Gift Basket Ideas for Valentine’s Day

What are Some of the Best Gift Basket Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to show your loved ones how much you care.  There’s more to Valentine’s Day then the traditional flowers and chocolate. You just have to think outside the box.  The options are endless. From gourmet and spa gift baskets to gifts with books, jewelry and even tickets for special adventures. Here are some Valentines gift basket ideas that you can consider:


How Did Chocolate Become a Favorite for Valentines

How Did Chocolate Become a Favorite for Valentines

From at least the time of the Aztecs, chocolate has been seen as an aphrodisiac. So we assume that it has been connected to Valentines day for many centuries. However,  that isn’t the case. The roots of Valentine’s Day are ancient but still quite unclear. It’s possible it originated in the pagan Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia.  Then morphed into a much tamer Christian feast day in A.D. 496, when Pope Gelasius I commemorated a martyred saint, Valentine. Or saints. In the third century, the Roman emperor Claudius II executed two men named Valentine on Feb. 14th, albeit in different years. It’s all rather confusing.
By the mid-19th century, Feb. 14 had become the day in Britain (and the U.S.) on which people expressed their affection by exchanging lavish cards decorated with lace, ribbons and plump, bow-and-arrow-wielding Cupids.

Food of the Gods

The scientific name of the cocoa tree is Theobroma cocoa in Greek: literally translated as ‘Food of the Gods’. What better way to spoil someone than offering them a treat good enough for Gods? Modern day gifts include chocolate roses, chocolate gift baskets and even boxes of chocolates.

Chocolate offers powers of love

The Aztecs created a beverage named ‘Xocolatl’, containing cocoa, honey and vanilla, which was believed to give special powers and arouse passion. The Aztec king would drink this potion before entering his harem, leading Spanish explorers to conclude that this ‘chocolate’ must indeed give special powers of love.

Chocolate to enhance your mood

Historical anecdotes are now supported by scientific evidence. Chocolate – ‘the love drug’ – contains phenylethylalanine. This releases endorphins in your brain, resulting in the same happy feeling you experience when in love.

Fun Valentine’s Day Facts

Fun Valentine’s Day Facts

Millions of Americans will be lining up to buy their sweeties chocolate covered strawberries and bouquets of roses this Valentines Day. But have you ever wondered how this day of love came to be? We’ve found some of the most interesting facts about the sweetest holiday of the year!

1. Valentine’s Day started with the Romans.

Some trace Valentine’s Day origins to a Christian effort to replace a pagan fertility festival that has been dated as far back as the 6th century B.C. During the festival of Lupercalia, Roman priests would sacrifice goats and dogs and use their blood-soaked hides to slap women on the streets, as a fertility blessing .

2. Passing out Valentines cards is a 600-year-old tradition.

Every year, kids in classrooms across America hand out cute, whimsical cards  to their classmates. According to History.com, the oldest record of a valentine was a poem Charles Duke of Orleans wrote to his wife when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1415.

3. Millions of Valentines greeting cards are purchased every year.

We’re talking 144 million greeting cards being exchanged industry-wide every year for Valentine’s Day in the U.S. alone, according to Hallmark. WOW!

4. What does wearing your heart on your sleeve really mean?

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names to see who their Valentine would be, the LA Times reports. According to Smithsonian, they would wear the name pinned to their sleeve for one week so that everyone would know their supposed true feelings. How cool is that?

5. Cupid Began as a Greek God

The chubby baby with wings and a bow and arrow that we call Cupid has been associated with Valentine’s Day for centuries. However, before he was renamed Cupid, he was known to the ancient Greeks as Eros, the god of love. Eros, the son of Greek goddess Aphrodite, would use two sets of arrows—one for love and another for hate—to play with the emotions of his targets. It wasn’t until stories of his mischief were told by Romans that he adopted the childlike appearance that we recognize today.

6. Did you know that candy hearts were originally medical lozenges?

In 1847, Boston pharmacist Oliver Chase invented a machine that simplified the lozenge production process, resulting in the first candy-making machine, according to The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America. After identifying an opportunity to revolutionize the candy business, Chase shifted his focus to candy production with Necco wafers.

7. Roses are the flowers of love.

Can you guess the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess? The red rose, of course. The bud stands for strong romantic feelings, so it’s no surprise they make up the the majority of Valentine’s Day bouquets.

8. What’s your favorite candy in the box?

Studies have shown that the number one favorite is chocolate filled followed by caramel filled, chocolate-covered nuts, nougat then fruit filled as the last man standing. 

9. So what is the most popular Valentines Day gift

Valentine’s Day marks not only an important day in the calendar of many couples. but also that of retailers as well. With the expectations for gifts seemingly only getting bigger, we’ve listed out some of the most popular gift ideas for your sweetie:

  • Chocolates/Sweets
  • Flowers
  • Greeting Cards
  • Chocolate Gift Baskets
  • Spa Gift Baskets
  • Romantic Dinner
  • Wine
  • Perfume
  • Lingerie
  • A pet