The Best Gifts for Fathers Day

The Best Gifts for Fathers Day

Dad has been giving you stuff since you were born. Isn’t it time you return the favor? Consider Father’s Day your time to give him something cool and most important, useful. Whether he’s into coffee, golf, tech or even golf there are plenty of gifts to make his day special. Getting his unique Fathers Day gift delivered right to his door is just a click away! Find gift ideas for every kind of dad, at every price point. The perfect card? That one’s on you.


Great Ideas for Employee Retention

What if we told you we knew a secret to reducing employee turnover? Yup, you read that right!

A study by CareerBuilder found that 50% of employees would stay if they were tangibly recognized. Another study revealed that 40% of employees who “do not feel meaningfully recognized will not go above their formal responsibilities to get the job done.”

So just how do you show employee (s) appreciation? Here are some suggestions below: (more…)

How to Stay Top of Mind with Prospective Clients

How to Stay Top of Mind with Prospective Clients

We know that in order to convert prospects to loyal customers, we must build relationships and stay in touch. Although we know follow-up is key, the lack of time paired with our busy schedules often prohibits us from doing so as often as we ‘d like. Staying top of mind with your prospects doesn’t just have to be a grueling phone call or an email that will most likely not be read..  There are many easy ways you can stay on your prospects radar without wasting internal resources and time or overwhelming them. Don’t let lack of time or funds be an excuse for not staying top of mind. Chances are, if you aren’t following up and touching base on a regular basis – your competitor is.

Easy Ways To Stay Top Of Mind With Prospects

  • Send an occasional email with relevant info & tips:  Chances are you have some great content on your fingertips that you can share in a newsletter and/or email. Make sure if you are highlighting products and services that you also provide some educational and relevant content.
  • Send a note card – A handwritten card still goes a long way in showing you took the time to personalize a message for the individual.
  • Invite them to a networking or company event – Hosting an event at the office or attending an event in the community? Let your prospects know what you’re doing and offer up an invite to attend.
  • Always send holiday cards/emails – People love to celebrate the holidays (Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween). Show you’re in the spirit and send holiday emails throughout the year.
  • Engage on social media – Social media is a great place to interact and build a community with your prospects. Stumble across a great Tweet or article on LinkedIn? Retweet or favorite it. See an interesting Facebook post? Comment and like it. It takes no time, and can attract positive attention and help build better relationships.
  • Deliver gifts – Whether its cookies, lunch, chocolates or even a personalized gift basket, they’ll remember and appreciate the thought.